📏 Weekly Measure: 2024 W50
Hi hello, I am back a whole *mumbles* month later *mumbles* for the second installment of The Weekly Measure. No, I'm not changing the name of this series, I still believe I can do these weekly. Let's just go!! Enough hand-wringing!!
Oot and aboot in Ōfuna
#Last weekend, Daikon and I went to Ōfuna to visit the Ōfuna Flower Center.
On the walk over, we found a kind of cool, kind of scary little tunnel. It is only about as wide across as a single car, the road has this interesting pavement instead of regular asphalt, and the walls inside are lined with this corrugated metal. We did not, unfortunately, encounter Turbo Baba.
We also bought daifuku and ohagi from a cute baachan at the station selling them for a Kagawa food stall. She made sure to tell us she is not actually from Kagawa 😅 They are super yummy.
Arriving at the flower center ✌️ There were, as you'd imagine, not a lot of flowers in December (outside of the greenhouse, anyway) but it was still really peaceful and nice.
Inside of the greenhouse. It was so hot and humid in here, like stepping into a portal back to August.
The rose garden was still going strong even though the season was long over.
Took a break in the rose garden and ate some hyōroku mochi candy. We got this at a Kyushu food stall the previous week. It tastes like... nori and green tea, haha. I don't know if I like it, but I also don't hate it. Though I definitely need to have this with some green tea...
There was a very tiny child doing sumo thrusts with their arms as they tottered along, and their parent watching going どすこい、どすこい (the sound sumo wrestlers make when doing this arm-thrust motion). Only too late did parent and child realize they had どすこい'd right into a rose bush 😭 (Luckily the kid was all right, I think more shocked that parent suddenly yelped NONONO NOT THERE--)
Met some good guys (nongendered):
Another tiny child was playing hide-and-seek with their father around the pumpkins. Things were going well until the child declared it's Papa's turn to hide, and the poor dude did his best to crouch behind one of these:
And the kid immediately was like "Papa... you totally failed" ぜんぜんダメだな 😭😭😭
We didn't get to drive to the mountains to see the fall leaves this year, but walking through this park is a decent substitute.
After the park, we crossed the Kashiogawa and saw a single golden carp among the swarm of normal carp, and a pair of cormorants. (You gotta trust me that there were two, they kept diving underwater so I couldn't get a pic of both of them 😅)
We saw the sign for a nice-looking Indian curry place, but after walking for a while we arrived just in time for them to tell us they were closing up to prepare for dinner 😔 So instead we went to our favorite chain restaurant, (sung to the tune of Outkast's "Hey Ya") Tenya. Apparently one of these is fugu, my first time eating it. It was good! I don't think I've been poisoned!!
A couple more photos from walking around Ōfuna:
Finally, after a long day, we walked home from Fujisawa Station in the twilight. I think I walked more that day than I did in all of November combined 😅
Getting back into photography, maybe
#Once upon a time, my hobby used to be taking pictures of flowers. It's been (7?! geez) years since my last photo walk and I am very rusty, and it's not like I was a pro before. But I would like to get back into it.
Here are more pics from our trip to Ōfuna Flower Center:
The pictures in the first section of this page were all taken on my phone, and the ones in this section were taken on my Nikon D40, a beginner-level DSLR that I got for ~2万円 from Hard Off over a decade ago. The lens I have is a 35mm which was, I wanna say, in the 1-2万 range. Photography can be an expensive hobby but it's also not completely out of reach for a layperson. If you can swing out, try it out!
And really, you don't need a fancy schmancy camera, especially to start. Your phone will do perfectly fine and is a good way to practice framing shots. The best camera is the one you can be bothered to bring with you, after all. What I am trying to tell you is that you need to get a camera and then go on photo walks with me, because I need someone to hold me accountable and keep me company 😭
Real photographers are looking at my pics and going HMPH, amateur hour. And that's fine, I need to practice more and luckily I have plenty of room to improve. It's nice always having something new to strive towards!
Henry Time
#Your weekly dose of Henry:
That's all for now, see you next week! 👋