๐ Year of the Rabbit
Happy 2023! I haven't blogged in a while because I have been spending too much time on cohost, whoops. I am going to try and do one big catch-up of all the things that happened in the past month or so!
Indie Tsushin
#Lots of stuff happened! I released the 2022 December issue a few weeks ago, and I am currently working on putting together the next issue that should go up on January 27! The website has a new mascot: Adele, the super cute nonbinary penguin who stars in Daikon's Unity1Week: Re game, Nice Catching Up With You.
I love Adele more than words. I may need to make stickers of them...
We also had a booth at Tokyo Game Dungeon 2 this past weekend! Daikon and I took turns running Nice Disc and also checking out the other games. It was a ton of fun, though I am still pretty wiped out from the sheer volume of STUFF there. You can see my thread of live-toots (YES I SAID LIVE-TOOTS) on the shiny new Indie Tsushin Mastodon account.
I feel like I have a lot of things to say about Indie Tsushin simply because it takes up so much of my life these days, but also not a whole lot that I haven't already talked about on the site itself. But in a nutshell: I am mighty pleased at how things have been turning out. I already have a ton of things I need to get started on for the February issue, so I need to go go go.
Turning a new page for 2023
#Goals for the new year:
- Remember to add alt text to my images everywhere!
- Work on making Choju Yokai Giga: Guided Tour mobile-friendly and finish translating/making the rest of the pages. And then maybe turn this into a PDF zine as bonus content for people who pay for the game?? Still thinking about it
- Read more, write more, do more. All the generic New Year's resolutions.
- Go camping. Hoping to go to an auto-camping site next month, if possible.
- Learn Unity so I can make the stamp-book-thing that I've had on the backburner for MONTHS now
- Get a better bead on Affinity Publisher so that my zines can look even spiffier
Let's do it, team!! Let's get that bread!!