📝 Whatever happened to October?
Ignore the date of my last post, okay? Let's just. Let's just get into it.
September stuff
#Nice Disc at Tokyo Game Show
#Daikon and I went to Tokyo Game Show on the two business days (September 21-22)! It was extremely crowded and very overwhelming, but I had a ton of fun. Here are a few of the highlights:
Our very own arcade cabinet at TGS!
Nice Disc: The Last Hot Blood had its own game cabinet! It was part of the Kemco showcase of games. We were really impressed with how nice it looked. It was very surreal to hear Daikon's music blasting over the loudspeakers and see people playing his game at one of the biggest game shows in the world. The folks at Kemco also prepared some nice stickers for anyone who played the Switch demo:
Nice Disc swag!!
It was a ton of fun. We met up with some folks including mojilove, and Daikon faced off against him in a match of Nice Disc!
mojilove and Daikon playing through the story mode!
The rest of TGS was a busy blur of checking out publisher booths, playing tons and tons of games, and looking for silly photo opportunities.
I've never played these games but I'm pretty sure it works like this, right?
TGS was incredibly exhausting. The first day in particular was rough since there was something wrong with the air conditioning, so it was incredibly hot and humid inside. When we got out, there was this lovely rainbow greeting everyone... along with a warm and muggy September rain.
This beautiful rainbow obscures the heavy stench emanating off the sweaty, tired crowds.
It was fine, we made it to our hotel and had a glorious shower.
The next day we went back for more stuff, this time focusing on the indie side of things. We checked out most of the Selected Indie 80 titles.
I finally got to try Jet Cola!
After two days of walking around TGS, we were dead tired. We found a nice curry shop near Makuhari Messe and had a super yummy dinner.
Dinner @ Mantra in Marive Dining
I had the honey butter chicken curry with cheese naan! Daikon had special set (vegetable curry and chicken curry), chicken tikka and nan! It was all super yummy!
October stuff
#Camping in Motosuko
#We spent the night at our new favorite campsite near Lake Motosu from October 10-11. The weather was finally cool enough to go camping. It was a very relaxing time, except when we had to figure out how to eat these enormous marshmallows that Daikon bought...
Seriously, these things were MASSIVE.
In the morning, we took a leisurely stroll around the lake. It was a beautiful day. Before heading back to Kanagawa, we ate some Yoshida udon at a rest area. The noodles were really fat and chewy, and the broth was super yummy.
#We went back to Zentame again this year! Just like last time, we had a big tent for our games. I tried to fill out the walls with previous zine covers of Indie Tsushin to make it look more colorful.
We even set up a little reading nook for our zines! I also made new postcards with the September issue cover on one side and the TOC and QR code link on the back. Daikon likes to call these "AR books," which is very funny.
Really glad we got to go and meet up with some of our gamedev friends who don't live in Tokyo! Gifu was as always a very chill and beautiful place, and I really hope we can go back again next year.
勉強会ジャム // Study Buddy Jam
#We ran the 勉強会ジャム // Study Buddy Jam for all of October! It's a game jam where the idea is to start or learn something new, and then write about what you learned. Even if you don't make a full game at the end, so long as you opened up a tutorial, or played around with the code of a sample game, or loaded up a TRPG SRD, you win! It was a very chill and fun time. Right now, we're working to compile the list of submissions and responses. I was surprised that more people joined than I thought!
My own game was morning drive to gifu, a game made in binksi using the Tiny binksi Visual Novel template by PRINCESS INTERNET CAFé, and based off my memory of driving to Gifu for Zentame earlier in the month.
It's a very simple and barebones game with a total of only 400 words, but I'm still pretty pleased with how it came out. I really liked working with binksi and have some ideas to make more stuff in the future!
#This is not a complete list. The last half of September and all of October was just a whirlwind of madness, from which I am still recovering. The October Indie Tsushin zine issue came out last week, and I'm hustling to get started on November. We have plans to go camping sometime next week, maybe, if everything falls into place. Next weekend is also Dejige, which we plan to go check out. November is already shaping up to be another busy month. I need a break! I would like a moment to just stop and read some manga, please!!
I hope to be back soon with another blog post, hopefully one that doesn't take two months to write!!